Tour/Hotel Sales Agreement


   At the time of registration, at least 50% of the reservation price and the balance must be paid at the latest 21 days before the start of the tour. If the specified payments are not made within the aforesaid periods, the reservation will be cancelled. In this case, 35% of the total trip cost is billed to the consumer as compensation for withdrawal. Ayas Turizm accepts and undertakes that it will not share credit card information with third parties under any circumstances.


Note: Since the Airline Programs cannot be canceled by the airline, the reservation cannot be canceled or refunded.

1- The travel agency may cancel the trip 3 days before the departure date due to the fact that the required number of passengers is not registered or due to force majeure, in which case the consumer has no right to compensation.


2- a- In case the consumer requests cancellation-change until 30 days before the start of the trip, the entire fee is refunded. In the event that the consumer requests a cancellation-change 29-21 days before the start of the trip for a reason other than the fact that the Reservation is documented by an official report to be obtained from a full-fledged state hospital, the consumer or his/her first-degree relatives' illness and death that hinder their habitual occupation for 10 days, 35% of the trip cost will be charged. He agrees and undertakes to pay the entire amount to Ayas Turizm, if less than 20 days remain.


b- If the consumer wishes to cancel the Early Booking Discounted Product purchased during the discounted sales period for any reason, he/she agrees and undertakes to pay the entire trip cost to Ayas Turizm.


c- Guests who have an early reservation insurance have the right to cancel their hotel reservations 72 hours before the check-in day. The insurance is not canceled and the premium is not refunded. Out-of-scope cases; War or warlike movements, revolutions, rebellions, uprisings and similar situations arising from internal disturbances, terrorist incidents, epidemics and widespread diseases, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, natural disasters.


d- For the guests and reservations who do not have EARLY BOOKING INSURANCE, clause (b) in the CANCELLATION-DISCLAIMER-CHANGE contract terms is valid.


e-Consumer; If, for any reason, he wishes to change the date of the discounted early reservation product he has purchased during the discounted sale period, he agrees that the reservation will be changed without any discount at the list prices valid on the date of the request.


3- If the consumer does not notify in writing that he will participate in the trip, which he missed the beginning of, the travel agency has the right to cancel all reservations made on behalf of the consumer after 24 hours. No refund will be made to the consumer for such cancellations.


4- Force majeure: If adverse weather conditions, road obstruction, strike, terrorism, war, possibility of war, unpredictable technical issues prevent the start or continuation of the tour, it is considered as force majeure by the parties. Illnesses and/or death of the passenger or his/her first-degree relatives that hinder their habitual occupation for 10 days are also force majeure.


5- The travel agency may partially or completely cancel the tours announced or registered, up to 7 days before the start of the trip, when it deems necessary. Within the same period, the name of the hotel within the scope of the trip, transportation vehicles and their places of departure, the order of visits of the places specified in the program and shown as places to visit can be changed. If the consumer does not accept these changes and cancellations, he has the right to cancel the reservation and get a full refund of the price paid. In this case, the consumer is not entitled to compensation.


1- The consumer participating in the tour should carry 2 suitcases, not larger than 50cm x 70cm, for all kinds of trips, and 15 kg for airplane travels. have the right to take and bring luggage. All responsibilities of the suitcases and their contents belong to their owners.

2- Items that smell, flow, have flammable or explosive properties or cause discomfort to the environment, cutting, piercing and firearms and all kinds of animals are not allowed into vehicles and accommodation facilities without the express and written permission of the Travel Agency. Having an identity or license does not change the situation.

3- In case of loss or damage to the luggage or belongings of the consumer, in case of SEVERE DEFECT of the Travel Agency personnel, the total cost of the trip, regardless of the material and moral value of the lost or damaged baggage or the goods or the belongings in it, and other qualities and features 1/2 of the portion is paid to the consumer by the Travel Agency as material and moral compensation for the lost property and suitcase. The Travel Agency is responsible for any loss, damage or theft of the goods delivered by the consumer in writing, together with their value, as much as the transportation cost of the trip.

4- VISA PROCEDURES are not included in the purchased service. The Travel Agency has no commitment to obtain a visa.

5- Notifications of possible tour cancellations by the Travel Agency can be made to each consumer individually, or in general, through advertisements in the Turkish edition of 2 newspapers with high circulation.

6- The Travel Agency is responsible for the changes in the tour program purchased by the consumer after the start of the trip. The Travel Agency may compensate the consumer for obvious changes that are against the consumer or damaged, in accordance with the provisions of the TÜRSAB HATAY SCHEDULE during or after the trip, as well as compensation with additional services provided to the consumer during the trip, which are not included in the price. . The purchase, use or consumption of additional or substitute services by the consumer eliminates the consumer's right to refund and compensation.

7- If the consumer leaves the tour on the ground that the service is defective, he/she must notify the travel agency authority and the hotel where he/she is staying in writing, together with the reasons, that he/she has left the tour. Otherwise, the consumer is not deemed to have left the tour and is deemed to have received and used the service.

8- The consumer's use of the tour program he/she has purchased to the end, despite the complaint, eliminates his/her right to compensation such as replacement service and price refund regarding the issues complained of.

9- The provisions of this contract, concluded between the Travel Agency and the consumer during registration, have been read by the consumer, and he has requested and accepted the registration on behalf of the other persons whom he has informed that he will participate in the same trip with him, under the same conditions.

10- Consumer(s) who are not signed in the contract but who participate in the trip subject to the contract, lawsuits and proceedings related to the trip they have participated in and against the Travel Agency of the consumer(s) they have assigned to register on their behalf, and the Travel Agency's payment to the consumer other than the matters written in this contract. or if it has to pay compensation, the right of recourse is reserved for the excess amount paid by the Travel Agency to the consumer(s) who signed the contract. Even if they have not signed, the consumers participating in this tour have learned the terms of this contract, which will be valid between the parties, due to the catalog and advertisements, and have accepted to participate in the tour under the terms of this contract.

11- The Travel Agency acts as an intermediary before the consumers participating in the trip, the hotel, the carrier companies and all kinds of third parties and legal entities that provide other services related to the trip. For this reason, contrary to the agreements made between the Travel Agency and the institutions that undertake the transportation of the consumers who registered for the trip with their application; Vehicles not being at the departure point at the times shown in their schedules, all kinds of delays and breakdowns of land, air and sea vehicles, fog, storm, type and all kinds of weather conditions, road obstructions, changes in road routes and routes, strikes, terrorism, war, possibility of war. Due to force majeure or similar reasons, the fault of the person using the transportation vehicle, personal faults of third parties or unforeseen technical issues, accidents with material and moral damage, deficient or faulty services of accommodation facilities, Travel Agency is not an operator at the 1st degree. The parties know that they have no responsibility, and that they are not directly responsible like the main perpetrator. For this reason, the Travel Agency will not be liable to the consumer like the main perpetrator, but will be indebted. In cases of such malfunctions and accidents, the consumer will first go to demand and collect their material and moral demands from the main perpetrators, and in cases where they cannot fully receive their receivables from the main perpetrator, they will be able to apply to the Travel Agency due to the principle of strict liability. The Travel Agency will be liable to its customers for the amount that cannot be collected from the main perpetrators.

12- In matters not written in this contract, international contracts including 1618 SY., 4077 SY., 4288 SY., 2634 SY., IATA, IHA, UFTAA Convention provisions, Civil aviation law, UK, TTK., Turkey and these Bylaws, regulations, circulars and communiqués issued in accordance with the internationally accepted Frankfurter Table, the provisions of the TÜRSAB Hatay Schedule applied in Turkey will be applied. This voucher and package tour contract, which has been issued in two copies between the parties, has been prepared, read, checked and accepted by the authorities of the parties together with all its annexes. The parties mutually accepted and confirmed their commitments and acts by signing them together. He also accepts and undertakes that all legal responsibility belongs to him who will participate in the trip and who has signed this voucher on behalf of the customers whose names are written in this contract, and who he has signed by proxy on behalf of the party accepting the contract.

COMPLAINTS OF SERVICE DEFECT: In case of defective or defective service, TÜRSAB ARBITRATION BOARD is authorized.

SERVICE GUARANTEE: In the event that there is sufficient participation and there is no force majeure, the agency has accepted and committed to fulfill the above-mentioned services, independently of the advertisements and published brochures, against the price written above. It has been mutually agreed upon by the parties that the amount of reimbursement to be made to the customer, in case the travel agency fails to fulfill the above-written commitments partially or completely, will be determined according to the provisions of the TÜRSAB HATAY SCHEDULE.


1-  Our tour is organized on a daily basis.

2-  Child discounts can be applied with 2 adults.

3-  Our tour guide can change the program, provided that the program is fully implemented. Our tours are complete with hotel, bus, airplane tour program and guiding services, they can’t be considered separately.

4-  Children between the ages of 0-6 may not be provided beds.

5-  Children between the ages of 0-1,99 are not charged on bus tours. If a seat on the bus is requested for children, the price for children between ages of 2-6 is applied.

6-  The 3rd bed in triple rooms can’t be as comfortable as a normal bed. The hotel depending on the situation, may give the guests a pull-out bed or sofa bed.

7-  Every person over the age of 2 must take a seat on the bus.

8-  Transportation, accomodation, sightseeing etc. rights which are not used during the tour can’t be returned.

9-  Seats can’t be promised at the time of reservation. Seat numbers are determined according to the order of the reservation date. Guests who buy the tour early are entitled to sit in the front.

10- Gradual pricing  is valid on all tours. As the occupancy of the tours increases, tour prices also increase. The guest can’t claim the difference in price changes after the date of purchase.

11-  Ayas Tourism in airplane tours, depending on the intensity and without interrupting the program; reserves the right to change the airport, airline company and flight time. Ayas tourism in airport changes, has to provide free service to its guests.

12-  Extra tours operate based on the number of people. If an extra tour doesn’t take place, the guest isn’t entitled to compensation. In this case, Ayas Tourism has no responsibility. Extra tour prices can change. In this case, the date which the tour departs is take into account, not the date the guest bought the tour. Extra tour price is valid for the tour period. The guest accepted this situation and bought the tour.

13-  The times which specified in the tour program are calculated according to normal weather and road conditions, Ayas Tourism isn’t responsible for possible delays and the guest has no right to compensation.

14-  Changes can be made in tour accommodation areas and hotels, provided that they are the same of standards depending on the density.All rooms made by hotel managers and Ayas Tourism doesn’t have any sanction on the subject.

15-  Accomodation in the weekend accomodation tours has standards of the city hotels. There is no obligation to have local food in the hotels, they serve as a set menü or as an open buffet.

16-  Due to the intensity of the program during the tours, it isn’t always to find ATM, exchange Office etc. So our guests should be prepared for this situation.

17-  Local economis menus have been created for lunch. Tables which divided into groups are used for lunch and dinner depending on the density of the region.

18-  Ayas Tourism isn’t reponsible for the tours  that can’t be made before or during the tour due to weather conditions.

19-  The minimum number of the participants is 16 for the tour to take place. When there is not enough majority, Ayas tourism reserves the right to cancel the tour, provided that 3 days notice is given.

20-  In case of cancellation of the tour, Ayas Tourism has to notify the cancellation personally. There is no right to compensation because of the legal process.

21-  Make sure you take all your belongings with you when you leave the vehicles and hotels Which we use during the trip, Ayas Tourism isn’t responsible for your lost belongings.

22-  Our guests who have registered for the tour have right to cancel free of charge up to 30 days before. In case of less than 30 days to the tour date, a 30% fee deduction is applied and in case of 20 days or less, a 100% fee deduction is applied. Participant has to submit the report (signed by Chief Physican) from the State Hospitals in Turkey, which is submitted with the cancellation request.



I-  Cancellation refund assurance package offers an unconditional 100% uninterrupted refund guarantee in case of a reservation cancellation request or change up to 72 hourss /3 days) before the departure day of the tour. Insurance fe efor tours with accommodation is 50 TL per person.

II-  Mandatory travel insurance is provided free of charge to all our guests by our agency.This insurance covers the agency’s bankruptcy or the inability to provide package tour services for any reason.This insurance isn’t health insurance and it doesn’t cover treatment costs. ( Private Health Insurance is private expenditure of the guests.)



Bus : It is used between 32-54 people. Mercedes Travego/Tourismo, Neoplan Cityliner/Tourliner, Temsa Safir/Maraton, Man Fortuna

Midibus : It is used between 20-31 people. Isuzu Turkuaz, Otokar Mega

Minibus : It is used up to 19 people.Vw Crafter, Mercedes Sprinter


All guests are deemed to have bought the tour by accepting the above-mentioned conditions.



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